Management Rewired

Charles S. Jacobs

Portfolio Hardcover, 2009


Charles Jacobs’ book is must reading for security professionals. Good security is based on a state of mind and Jacobs uses results of MRI scans to identify how people think and process information. He describes the success of participative management, rather than command and control methods. His ideas can be used by all security professionals help change the security culture of the organization. Many examples are included to illustrate that: “the less control we exert as managers, the more we get the behavior we need, and the less structure in our organizations, the better the performance.”

About the Book Reviewer

Frederick Scholl

Frederick Scholl is an accomplished Global Senior Information Security Risk Manager. Dr. Scholl earned a BS and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University. In 1991, Fred founded Monarch Information Networks, LLC to enable forward-thinking organizations to protect their information. Previously, he co-founded Codenoll Technology Corporation (NASDAQ: CODN). He chaired the IEEE committee that wrote the first standard for Ethernet communication over fiber optic links, now used world-wide.