Cybersecurity Advisory Services

Risk Evaluation, Marketing Support and Expert Testimony

“Where security gets down to business” ™

Monarch Information Networks
Services at a Glance


Enterprise Cyber Risk Management

Our approach to cyber risk management is to start with the business risks, not technology


Vendor Market Acceleration

Using “Design Thinking” principles we partner with your customers to help clarify future product roadmaps 



Technology reviews, litigation testimony, intellectual property evaluation


Book Dr. Fred Scholl as a Speaker

Dr. Scholl is available upon request to speak at your engagement.  

What We Are Reading

Back to the Future in The Fifth Domain

I picked up The Fifth Domain, by Richard Clarke and Robert Knake not knowing what to expect, since I had missed its release in 2019. It turned out to be a great overview of cybersecurity, especially from the US government point or view, where the authors are both cybersecurity experts and pioneers. I was also…
Enterprise Cyber Risk Management

Cybersecurity Thrives in An Organizational Context

It is common knowledge that you cannot define the security of anything without understanding its context. It is also true that to improve your organization’s security posture you need to understand that organization. Over 50% of CISO’s still report to the CIO function. This blog post outlines, in Mind Map format, the activities of the…

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